Saturday, October 31, 2009

s9x TYL mecm 091030
SNES emulator for Sony PSP has been updated. I personally use this emulator because this version gives the best result to my favorite game on SNES: Mortal Kombat.

  • fixed graphical bugs;
  • improved speed of special effects emulation.

Download: SNES9x TYL mecm 091030
Source: tehskeen

StartPatch v4.2.4 for System Menu 4.2 PAL / NTSC-J / NTSC-U / KOR

File:StartPatch icon.pngFile:StartPatch icon.pngFile:StartPatch icon.png
StartPatch is a homebrew application that patches your System Menu v4.0, v4.1, or v4.2 in a similar fashion as Starfall. It is based upon Menu Patcher by Isaac356


  • Added IOS Selection.
  • Removed IOS-Reload to 250.
  • Removed IOS-Check code.


Source: wiibrew

WiiToo 20 October 2009

WiiToo! is a minimal precompiled stage4 made to let you run Gentoo on your Wii using MIKE and Mini. It provides all the basic software required to compile and install new programs on it, and some other software ready to be used. The kernel used is plain vanilla-sources & Wii-Linux patches, so expect WiFi working out of the box.

For running it you will need:
  • SD Card, like any other you can use with your wii, 1GB or more is required
  • USB keyboard & TV or simply a local network connection, to be able to login in the system, input commands, etc
Please check out the wiki for the information on installation

Download: WiiToo 10.20.09
Source: wiibrew

Powder 112

To understand POWDER, you should first understand roguelikes. "Roguelike" is a term applied to a wide variety of games which share a common inspiration from the game Rogue. A non-exhaustive list of such games would be: ADOM, Nethack, Crawl, Diablo (I & II), Moria, and Angband. My apologies to the many excellent roguelikes I didn't list. What characterizes these games? The exact specifications are a matter of debate - indeed, I may receive hate mail for including Diablo - but I shall try to write a few:

* Tactical play. The unit of action is based on the individual adventurer. The game is not twitch oriented (like Quake, rewarding reflexes & well trained actions) nor is it strategy oriented (like Civilizations or Warcraft, requiring working on the large picture)
* Based in Hack and Slash. A roguelike isn't primarily about plot development or telling a story. It is about killing things and acquiring treasure.
* Random games. A roguelike is a dungeon crawler where no two games are the same. The maps are different, the items are different, there are no guaranteed win paths.
* Permadeath. You die, that is it. No restoring a savegame. Good roguelikes delete your save game after loading them. This is compensated by the replayability of the game.
* Complex interactions of properties. While the commands for a roguelike are simple, the potential interactions are not. My favourite example is equipping a silver ring as a weapon in order to damage a creature vulnerable to silver, but not one's other weapons. [Editor: This matches the Hack branch of the roguelike tree, not the Angband branch]
* Steam rolling monsters. If a critter is in your way, and weak, you shouldn't even notice it is there.

For more information about roguelikes there is the Rogue Basin, a Wiki documenting this genre, and the Temple of the Roguelike, a newsite tracking developments in the field.

Having defined Roguelike, POWDER is easy to describe: A Roguelike designed for the Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS. 

Source: tehskeen

Wii GameCube Backup Launcher 0.3 Mod

Attila has modified the GameCube Backup Loader for the Nintendo Wii. With this release the changes are:
  • Added support for Wiimote in cMIOS installer.

  • Add latest MIOS as source (v10) for cMIOS.

  • Compiled with latest libogc / devkitpro

  • Download: GameCube Backup Launcher 0.3 Mod for Nintendo Wii
    Source: wii-info

    Saw The Video Game

    Will there ever be for Wii? Well my Wii is still sitting like a brick!

    Friday, October 30, 2009

    Goear PSP v1.1

    clizana has released Goear PSP, a homebrew application capable of searching and downloading songs directly from music site to your memory stick.

    Goear PSP is a homebrew created to search and download songs to the memory stick from the music site (also called the youtube of mp3's). It's in English, Spanish and a third language fully customizable (in the webpage you can see the template in "idiomas").

    The homebrew comes with a third language, that is an example. Also in the link above can be downloaded the template to create other languages. If you don't want a third language just delete it from the GoearPSP folder (the language file is language.lng).


    • Triangle: Change Language
    • Circle: Enter the text for a new search
    • Square: Fast download*
    • Cross: Download* and select the filename
    • L1: Prev. Result page
    • R1: Next Result page
    • Select: Help

    Download: Goear PSP v1.1
    Source: qj

    VSH Volume Remap

    XMB - Image 1 

    Arnold has released VSH Volume Remap, a handy plugin for PSP owners who have defective volume controls that allows you to remap the volume buttons of your PSP using the the digital arrow pad.

    As promised, I have a plugin here that allows you to remap the volume buttons to the digital pad on the PSP. Simply remap in the VSH and change your volume. After that, toggle back to use the PSP as normal. This is for people who have had their volume buttons destroyed.

    Download: VSH Volume Remap
    Source: qj

    Wagic the Homebrew!? v0.9.1

    Wagic is an heroic fantasy card game in which you battle against the computer. It is available for the Sony PSP, Windows, and Linux. In Wagic, you create a deck of cards which symbolizes your army, and fight against the AI. As you win games, you earn credits and unlock cards that you can buy in the shop. With better cards, you improve your deck (or create new ones) to beat more AI opponents and unlock other game modes. Wagic is free and open source. It is currently available in English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.

    Check out the video for changes and please donate to the friendly guy who made this:

    Download: Wagic the Homebrew!? v0.9.1
    Source: wololo

    SDL MAME Wii v0.3

    SDL MAME Wii is an arcade emulator based on SDL Mame. Many games for early arcade boards can be played with varying amounts of success.

    • Added support for many more ROMs
    • Fatal errors are now logged in errors.txt
    • More default control changes

    Source: wiibrew

    DOSBox Wii v1.1

    Tantric and Carl Kenner has released a new version of their port of DOSBox a DOS emulator for the Nintendo Wii. It features USB mouse and keyboard support, wiimote pointer support, SD/USB mounting.

    • Fixed "black screen" issue with numerous games
    • Minor optimizations and bug fixes
    • Updated to latest DOSBox SVN

    Download: DOSBox Wii v1.1
    Source: wiibrew

    Tuesday, October 27, 2009

    CTF Tool GUI v3.1

    CTF Tool GUI v3.1 Screenshot
    patpat’s is back with his CTF Tool GUI now on version 3.1. This tool breaks down CTF themes into their respective counterparts (.rco/.prx files).


    • Fixed a bug in extracting files from themes 5.03GEN
    • Fixed more bugs related to the function of extracting files from CBC
    • Improved file conversion vshmain.prx
    • Improved file conversion topmenu_plugin.rco
    • Improved file conversion htmlviewer_plugin.prx

    Download: CTF Tool GUI v3.1
    Source: psp-hacks

    Rcomage v1.0.0: Dump, Modify, and Compile PSP RCOs

    Rcomage Screenshot

    Rcomage is a general RCO manipulation/creation tool, which I hope, will replace RCO Editor (and potentially rcotool in the future).
    It's a CLI (command-line interface) however I've provided a simple Windows GUI to save you from remembering commands (though you may need to trawl through an XML file).

    It currently only has two main functions - "dump" (dumps contents of an RCO) and "compile" (compiles an RCO from a dump).
    For modifying an RCO, you would dump it, modify the dump, then compile it.
    A dump will consist of an XML file, which contains all the metadata of the RCO (basically, it's structure) as well as various resources, such as images, sounds etc.

    How to use
    Well, as mentioned above, basically dump and compile is the only thing you can do.
    As for information on the XML structure, I don't really have the time to write a good guide, so I guess you'll probably just dump various RCOs to get an idea of how it works.  (I'd be willing to assist if someone would write a guide for me :P)
    A quick idea of the structure is shown in the readme.

    !! I strongly suggest that you don't use Notepad to edit the XML files.  Suggested applications include Notepad++ and Notepad2 (or your favourite text editor; most should overcome the deficiencies of Notepad).

    Because I was silly when writing RCO Editor, it doesn't put in adler32 checksums for compressed images, etc, and thus, anything modified with it will generate a warning in Rcomage.  Otherwise, should work fine.
    Also, Sony's GimConv, which is used to convert GIM images, is a little slow, so if you choose to perform the conversion (affects both dumping and compiling), expect to wait some time...

    Unknown values
    If you go through dumped XML structures, you may notice a number of "unknown" labels for various objects (and some anim entries).  Finding out what these values do is, unfortunately, a little time consuming and I don't really have that much time to test what each thing does.  It would be great if people would volunteer to play around with these values to see what effect they have, and I can add the definitions to Rcomage. (thanks in advance :) )

    Download: Rcomage v1.0.0
    Source: psp-hacks

    Matrix MyMenuify Channel

    This is a channel made via request here at wadder it uses madstone base.wad

    • The Icon BG picture does not scroll downward...
    • The Banner BG needs to scroll Downward rather than upward as it does in the madstone base as pointed out by the feedback from Bg4m3r (thanks dude)
    • Fixed thank you MangoScango

    (of course it doesnt compare the
    buby78's theme team channel but hey im not as good as buby78 so give me a break here peeps LOL)

    Source: wadder

    Monday, October 26, 2009

    PSPKVM v0.5.4 Final

    PSPKVM - Image 1

    PSPKVM 0.5.4 (final) is now officially released. This is release incorporates a host of enhancements and bugfixes trialled in the recent set of test builds and aimed at increasing useability, improving multilingual support, easing doing text input and generally smoothing out the user interface.

    The complete changelog is now a bit long for a news post and is available with the build packages. In summary, however, highlights relative to release 0.5.3 are:
    • an improved backend typeface system supporting much, much larger TrueType fonts (tested successfully with 18 MB of font files attached), and supporting italic, bold, and italic-bold faces across all system faces, and adding support for a fallback font slot appropriate for massive pan-Unicode and Han character fonts. See demonstration captures in the wiki at
    • a new Danzeff-style virtual keyboard
    • extensive multilingual support (most if not all languages using Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts supported) added to the existing semichordal virtual keyboard 
    • speed enhancements and improved support for use in large text panes for all remaining virtual keyboards, including the Chinese-input-supporting AWF virtual board--a floating 'smart placement' system overlays the boards over the text, but moves them as you type so you can't type under them
    • modifications to event handling in all virtual keyboards greatly streamlining GUI mechanics--you can now confirm and cancel text entry with far fewer keystrokes then previously
    • fixes to streaming multimedia support
      a folder system in the Application Management System, allowing the convenient management of large numbers of installed applications
    • an in-GUI configuration system now supporting the configuration of a number of features and subsystems (font system, virtual keyboard setup) previously only adjustable in the .ini
    • the ability to switch the X/O key use to 'Western'-style X-for-accept system wide
    • networking improvements allowing easier recovery in difficult connection situations
    • additions to the built-in font supporting most Cyrillic characters and common typographic symbols ('typesetters' quotes, em-dashes, etc.)
    (And onward to 0.5.5.)


    Noiz2sa 0.8

    News from qj resident retorbits

    Finally got Noiz2sa running 100% on my 5.00 M33 slim. I didn't really change anything, other than repacking the EBOOT with PBP Unpacker and including a NOIZ2SA.PRF from an old 1.5 kernel memory stick I had. If the PRF file is not present, the game will freeze after about a minute.

    Have fun with this awesome shoot em up!

    Download: Noiz2sa 0.8 for 5.xx firmware
    Source: qj

    PCE for PSP 0.83a4

    An unnamed Japanese coder has released an updated version to his PC Engine emulator for the Sony PSP.

    What's New?

    - Improved support multiplayer AD_HOC
    - Added soft reset function (+)

    Download: PCE for PSP 0.83a4
    Source: tehskeen

    System Setting's Replace Tool

    BlackAce83 has released a Small Mod of a Old Program System Setting's Replace Used Mainly when you've uninstalled your System Menu and have tried to re-install it only to find your WiiMote doesn't connect and your system setting's have been removed. Which kill's Wiimote doing so.


    - Added a Warning\Info Screen Explaining how to use it
    - IOS-Reload to IOS249 So people wont have to worry about patching a IOS, Just need IOS249 Installed
    - IOS-Check to See if the IOS is Installed Correctly or Stubbed.

    Source: tehskeen

    PSP Installer v1.0

    spkike 123000 has released a new version of his homebrew browser application for the Sony PSP. Using this application you can download and automatically install homebrew Applications, Games and CTF Themes directly to your PSP.

    • Added: Categories, now everything is split into 4 categories, Games, Applications, Theme's and Savegames
    • Fixed: If you choose a blank option on the browse page, it will initiate your wlan but then tell you it's unable to download a blank application
    • Unfixable: Deletion of Zip file's. There's a bug in PGELua that prevents zip files to be closed, so since there still classed as open and in use, they can't be deleted. 
    • Fixed: When updating database, current database version text changed to latest database version text when it should have stayed at current database version text...

    Source: tehskeen

    Game Categories Revised v8

    New update from Bubbletune on his very useful plugin Game Categories, prx that will enable you to sort the homebrew / ISO present on your memory stick, according to the category. This update, which brings the plugin to version 8, fixes some bugs present in previous release and adds the ability to completely hide the files not categorized. More to follow.


    • UTF-8 support was not correctly implemented for language files, fixed.
    • Improved Context Menu Mode, now shows a larger number of items instead of only four.
    • Added ability to completely hide uncategorized even if there are files floating around (see readme for instructions).
    • Tried to fix a rather strange crash that occured in all sorts of instances.

    Source: psp-hacks

    Sunday, October 25, 2009

    Wii Home v1.4

    Wii Home is a "plugin" for Preloader.  Wii Home is a homebrew which launches at startup of the Wii. You can, on the menu, select if you want go to the System Menu or to the HBC. You can also customize Wii Home with a theme of your choice.

    • Added the possibility of launching a channel of your choice :
      • Create a channel.txt file in the WiiHome folder. In the file, write the first number :
        • 1 for a title that begins with 00010001
        • 2 for a title that begins with 00010002
        • 4 for a title that begins with 00010004
        • 8 for a title that begins with 00010008
      • After, write the title of the Wii Channel in letters (for example the title of the Wii Shop Channel is HABA)
      • So, for the Wii Shop Channel the complete channel.txt file is 2HABA because the complete title ID in hex is 0001000248414241. 00010002 is replaced by 2 and 48414241 is HABA in hex.
    • Ability to launch the Homebrew Channel or channel of your choice by pressing the 1 button to change the second option button.
    • Added an emergency button. Pressing the RESET button will jump on the Wii Menu.
    • Added the version of Wii Home. To see the version press the + button.

    Download: Wii Home v1.4
    Source: wiibrew

    Saturday, October 24, 2009

    SNES9xTYLmecm 091023

    A new version of the pretty accurate Super NES emulator for the Sony PSP has been released. This new version features speed improvements for different video modes.


    - Some improvements in the process graph, with consequent increase in speed mode "PSP accelerated", "PSP accel. + Accurate. Soft.", "PSP accel. + Approx. Soft."

    Source: psp-ita

    Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D2

    updater - Image 1 

    Ok guys, this is it! Homebrew developer Yoshihiro and and the rest of Team GEN has finally released the much awaited Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D2 Quick Updater to finally fix the issues that other users have experience while installing the previous version of 5.50GEN.
    • Evangelion Anti CFW patch Fix
    • Fix Wlan TKIP in game loop : PES 2009 , FIFA , Motorstorm , GTA cw ect....
    • Fix Video Output With 5.5X and 6.X Games like GTA Chinatowns War
    • Fixed recovery menu with make Pandora and make battery normal
    • removed splash screen but you have another spash screen in red color for let you know if the decrypter work .
    To install the update, please make sure you are already using CFW 5.50GEN-D. If not, please update your firmware first. You can download Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D via the download link below. Enjoy.

    Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D2
    Custom Firmware 5.50GEN-D
    Source: psp-hacks

    Wiiero v1.2

    BScrk has released a new version of his Liero remake for the Nintendo Wii. Leiro has been called a real time version of worms and was originally released for DOS in 1998.

    Wiiero is a Liero clone specially developed for the Wii. Destructible terrain plays a major role in the gameplay. Wiiero is a two player game (the single player mode will be developed later).
    Wiiero plays exactly the same way as Liero; it has the same game modes (Deathmatch, CTF, and Tag) and most of the same weapons. It also contains some new (optional) weapons.

    Download: Wiiero v1.2
    Source: wiibrew

    Friday, October 23, 2009

    GameMusicGear MX v1.3

    GameMusicGear MX v1.3 - Image 1 GameMusicGear MX v1.3 - Image 2

    The last time a GameMusicGear update was almost a year ago. Homebrew developer silmarilion is still tinkering with the Oldplay-inspired multi-format music player for PSP, though, and today he released a new version.

    • add    New in_sap plugin based on ASAP engine by Piotr Fusik.
    • add    Scrolling text in playlist for large file names/titles.
    • add    Some gfx changes and new icon, specially in the config app.
    • add    Texture compression using libtxc_dxtn library by Roland Scheidegger and Franck Charlet to save some space: dxt1, dxt3 and dxt5 modes available.
    • add    New volume boost algorithm with +3, +6 and +9 dB amplification. You can change it pressing CROSS + ANALOG UP/DOWN. ** USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK **
    • add    Improved the in_psf plugin, several types of reverb and interpolation were added and should sound more like the real psx.  If you find some heavy track you can try changing this settings.
    • add   Improved visual plugins!.
    • fix        Increased heap size of in_gme.prx because some vgm files were not working, thanks to Marcus Vinícius for pointing that one.
    • fix        Increased the size of the song info and picture in fullscreen visualizer.
    • fix        Replaced a lot of global variables in the main app to improve performance and stability of the app.
    • fix        Load from zip, rar, etc. is now working with psf, minipsf and vgz plugins.  Except for some large rar files.
    • fix        Real sleep mode is now working :).
    • del        Removed fade support since i changed the sound boost algorithm.

    Download: GameMusicGear MX v1.3
    Source: tehskeen

    StartPatch, for System Menu 3.2.0U

    File:StartPatch icon.pngFile:StartPatch icon.pngFile:StartPatch icon.png
    Here's another update to StartPatch for System Menu 3.2U.

    StartPatch is a homebrew application that patches your System Menu v4.0, v4.1, or v4.2 and now 3.2 in a similar fashion as Starfall. It is based upon Menu Patcher by Isaac356.

    In the unlikely case that you lose power during patching process, you may brick your Wii. This will only happen if you lose power while the patches are being applied, and as this is a quick process, there is small risk of bricking. However, if you do brick, no one is responsible. There is no warranty with this app. You should take a BootMii NAND dump and have BootMii installed as boot2 (if possible) as a precaution.

    Download:  for NTSC-U (United States of America) By Tgames StartPatch v3.2.0U
    Source: wiibrew

    StartPatch Mod

    StartPatch Mod is a modification of StartPatch which allows you to select which IOS to use to patch your System Menu v4.2.

    Features 4.2X:
    • Disable HAXX, DVDX, RZDx Checks - Disables the System Menu from blocking Homebrew.
    • Block Disc Updates - Blocks updates which have been embedded in Discs.
    • Block Online Updates - Prevents online updates being installed.
    • Force WiFi Connection Test Error - Forces a WiFi Connection Test Error.
    • Region Free Channels - Allow installation of any region Channels.
    • Region Free GC Games No VM Patch - Removes region restrictions on Gamecube games.
    • Remove NoCopy Protection (Need To Install ALL Five) - Removes the Save File Copy Protection, which prevents Save Files from being copied to SD Cards.
    • Move Disc Channel - Enables the Disc Channel to be moved.
    • No Menu BG Music - Removes the System Menu's background music.
    • Recovery Mode 4th GC DPad UP - Allows you to enter the Wii's Recovery Mode easily.
    • Remove Diag Disc Check - Remove Diagnostic Disc check.
    • Auto-Press A At Health Screen - Automatically presses "A" for you at the Health Screen.
    • Replace Health Screen With Black - Instead of seeing the Health Screen, it shows a black screen.

    Strongly recommend a NAND backup if possible
    We hold no responsibility in the case of a brick! Enjoy!!
    Download: StartPatch Mod
    Source: wiibrew

    PSPInstaller v0.8 Beta

    PSP Installer - Image 1

    spike_132000 has released a new version of PSPInstaller. This app lets you download and automatically install homebrew games, apps, themes, and the like using only your PSP.

    • Added : by . This also applies to themes!
    • Added : Awesomely done work from Joomla who has created a sleek black theme for PSPInstaller which will now be released as default!
    • Working On : Still working on the delete zip file after downloading and installing
    • Working On : Blank Apps causing PSPInstaller to crash. With the current database file, this won't happen as there is no blank's.
    • Working On : Breif boot screen which is just going to be the LOGO.PNG file found in the images folder
    And just to make sure everybody knows who's responsible for what, here are the credits:
    • Spike_132000 : Code
    • User1690 : Concept
    • Joomla : Artwork

    Download: PSPInstaller v0.8 Beta
    Source: tehskeen

    Thursday, October 22, 2009

    PSPKVM v0.5.4 Test 11

    PSPKVM - Image 1

    Homebrew coders Sleepper, M@x and the rest of the dev team has released a new test build of PSPKVM, a port of SUN's phoneME Feature that enables MIDP/JavaME applications to run on the PSP. The latest build has added some new features and various improvements.

    If upgrading from a previous test build, you should just be able to copy over the EBOOT.PBP and utility.sym files to the psp/game/pspkvm directory on your memory stick (utility.sym contains new glyphs for the return and cancel keys in the Danzeff and semichordal boards).

    Warning: known critical bug in test packages--upgrade to build 10 and later. There is a known bug in some of the test packages which can cause corruption of your folder store in the AMS. To avoid this bug do not remove marked midlets. After doing this and doing a subsequent 'move' operation, you will not be able to start your VM.

    The bug affects all test packages prior to test build 10 which have the AMS with the folder system and the 'mark' commands in the menus. Build 10 has the fix for the bug and recovery code allowing you to start again if the store is already corrupted.

    We strongly suggest you upgrade to this package. If you have not yet upgraded, and you inadvertently do mark a midlet and then remove it, and haven't yet performed a move operation, you may still evade this problem by either (a) using the 'Unmark all' command or (b) just shutting down the AMS. Do not attempt to perform a move before doing so.

    • Streamlined command handling in Virtual boards--all boards now allow direct entry of commands registered by midlet authors without going through the interim text context layer. Semichordal and Danzeff boards also bind appropriate keys to OK and CANCEL command types if the midlet author registers them correctly. Allows single keystroke return from full-screen text fields in many midlets, including Opera Mini. See 'Fast confirm/cancel' in the wiki page UsingTheSemichordalBoard (the keys in the Danzeff board look the same).
    • Added experimental, compact 'floating' version of AWF virtual board (see AWFFloat).
    • Changed colours of Danzeff/semichordal keys to make distinguishing them easier.
    • AMS warns when you attempt to move a folder into itself or into its own child.
    • Changed Config midlet 'Exit' to 'Done'.
    • AMS allows deleting of non-empty folders.
    • Improvements to smart positioning system in virtual keyboards, so they move properly around one-line textfields in forms.
    • (non-UI/non-user) added Java interfaces exposing native to J2ME control mapping--necessary to get AWF board operating properly when keys are remapped by user or 'Western' X/O mapping is selected.
    Source: qj

    PSPedict v0.1

    Homebrew coder PixelDragon has released PSPedict, a useful and handy Japanese - English dictionary for the PSP with more than 68,785 Japanese entries.

    PSPedict - Image 1 PSPedict - Image 3PSPedict - Image 2 

    PSPedict is a general Japanese <-> English dictionary with 68,785 Japanese entries. You can search in English via the On Screen Keyboard (OSK), or in Japanese using Hiragana/ Katakana. It is also possible to search using Kanji from a Kanji Popup window, or when navigating through the Kanjidic file (6354 entries).

    You can save and load found sets, and store up to 2000 entries in each of the four study lists. Options are included to sort finds by original order, length, or reading.

    See the readme for full details and installation instructions. I have tested it on a PSP 1000 with CFW M33-6 and 5.50 GEN-B (FULL) without any problems.

    At this stage, I plan to include deletion of found sets and possibly include support for other files such as proper names, computer terms, etc...

    Download: PSPedict v0.1
    Source: qj

    WiiSCU v0.23

    WiiSCU by Wack0 (updated by Illinialex24) (mod of IOS51+shop by tona) - powered by PatchMii. The application gives you the option to install new versions of channels and IOSes without touching the system menu.

    Remember to be careful with IOS60 if you are on 4.1 or lower, the new version (0.22) fixes the stub issue but it still can be dangerous if your internet or power goes off.So better use UPS if you're paranoid! ☺

    Download:  WiiSCU v0.23
    Source: wiibrew

    StartPatch, for System Menu 3.2E

    Homebrew coder Tgames has released a new update for StartPatch, but now for System Menu 3.2E. SatrtPatch is a homebrew tool that patches your System Menu, similar to StarFall. This homebrew tool is based on Menu Patcher by Isaac356.

    Features of v4.2.x:
    • Disable HAXX, DVDX, RZDx Checks - Disables the System Menu from blocking Homebrew.
    • Block Disc Updates - Blocks updates, which have been embedded in Discs.
    • Block Online Updates - Prevents online updates being installed.
    • Force WiFi Connection Test Error - Forces a WiFi Connection Test Error.
    • Region Free Channels - Allow installation of any region Channels.
    • Region Free GC Games No VM Patch - Removes region restrictions on Gamecube games.
    • Remove NoCopy Protection (Need To Install ALL Five) - Removes the Save File Copy Protection, which prevents Save Files from being copied to SD Cards.
    • Move Disc Channel - Enables the Disc Channel to be moved.
    • No Menu BG Music - Removes the System Menu's background music.
    • Recovery Mode 4th GC DPad UP (Need To Install BOTH) - Allows you to enter the Wii's Recovery Mode easily.
    • Remove Diag Disc Check (Not In KOR Version) - Remove Diagnostic Disc check.
    • Auto-Press A At Health Screen - Automatically presses "A" for you at the Health Screen.
    • Replace Health Screen With Black - Instead of seeing the Health Screen, it shows a black screen.
    • Force Disc To Use IOS249 - Forces Discs to use IOS249.

    Source: wiibrew

    WiiXplorer r74

    WiiXplorer is a very sexy multi device file explorer for the Wii by dimok and r-win with a GUI made with LibWiiGui by Tantric with graphics by NeoRame.

    Download: WiiXplorer r74
    Source: WiiXplorer @ googlecode

    GloWIIre v1.0


    Snouki has released an application which is stated as useless on the release post, something regarding IOS, cIOS, or something regarding the state of your wii?

    Download: GloWIIre v1.0
    Source: tehskeen

    Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D / X GEN version 4

    Well, well, well!!! I tought it was Christmas at first but it was the release of Team GEN's CFW 5.50 GEN-D! Would that bring a smile on your cute face there?!☺

    550gen-D- 15
    The changes and its features will bring you more smiles:
    • All features of 5.50 GEN-B2 are available.
    • Ability to run 5.51+ games without having to patch them (UMD or ISO).
    • Possibility to launch PSN demos requiring 5.51+ without having to patch them (as MGS for example).
    • Possibility to connect to the Playstation Store by using MEDIAGO, to retrieve games and goodies without having to install Fake USB or other complicated stuff.
    • Possibility to use the XGEN Updater to install the official firmware 6.10 (use it only if you have a Pandora XGEN to be able to return later in Custom firmware)
    • 480×272 AVC Videos are supported

    Download: CFW 5.50 GEN-D
    Source: psp-hacks

    Wednesday, October 21, 2009

    PSP Installer v0.7 beta

    spkike 123000 has released a new version of his homebrew browser application for the Sony PSP. Using this application you candownload and automatically install homebrew Applications, Games and CTF Themes directly to your PSP.

    • removed the blue square found in the images folder.. dunno why it's there.
    • changed the eboot so it doesn't show Phoenix Game Engine Lua anymore.
    • attempted to add delete of zip after install but it doesn't seem to work? I am looking into it.
    • attempted to prevent selection of non-existent apps, but when choosing an existing app it seemed to crash, am also looking into it

    Download: PSP Installer v0.7 beta
    Source: qj

    ShowMiiWads v1.1


    Coder and Wii Skinner Leathl updated ShowMii Wads. ShowMiiWads is a 'Wad File Manager' for Windows. It displays information about wad files, edits them, gives a preview of the Banner and Icon and more. New since Version 1.0 is the included NAND Backup Browser 'ShowMiiNand' which displays all titles installed in your NAND Backup (No BootMii Backups!).

    • 64 bit Version is now available
    • Improved speed. Now, information is loaded at application startup and saved in a file. Whenever it reloads, the information is read out of the file, only new files are added. If you need to completely refresh the whole list, use 'File -> Refresh' (F5). When the language is changed, only the Channel Titles column will be reloaded
    • Multiple selections are now possible. If you want to select a whole folder, just left click the header once.
    • Added Splash Screen with ProgressBar to show the loading status (can be disabled)
    • Added Option to remove all folders
    • Added Option to refresh single folders
    • New Icon (Thanks to NeoRame!)
    • Bugfixes and tiny improvements
    • Application will now ask you to download a new version, if available
    • Italian translation added (Thanks to Tetsuo Shima)
    • Spanish translation added (Thanks to putifruti) (Incomplete, 2 sentences still Eng)
    • Norwegian translation added (Thanks to pesaroso)

    Download: ShowMiiWads v1.1
    Source: wiibrew

    Snes9X Euphoria R2.1

    (Video taken from psp-hacks)

    A very fast, stable, and portable Super Nintendo emulator. Released by Zack. Based off Laxer3a, YoyoFR, and Rukka's SNES emulation effort.

    Version R2.1:
    • fixes a bug with loading a new rom (it would crash the psp)
    Version R2:
    • Bug where you couldn't have more than 200 roms in the ROMS folder or the emulator would crash is now fixed. (I tested with 800 roms in there)
    • Bug where the emulator would freeze then hard-power-off your PSP after trying to load more than 3 roms is now fixed. (I tried loading rom after rom at least 12 times with no issues)
    • Bug where you couldn't return to the menu after running a game is now fixed. (thank god lol)
    • Bug where emulator would hard-power-off PSP when exiting rather than return to the Xmb is now fixed (both in file menu and main menu)
    • Bug where the emulator wouldn't start on Gen firmware fixed (tested by myself on 5.50GenC and Cmbeke on 5.50GenB)
    • Possible minor speedups from code cleanup.
    • Removed the intro screen for now. (will be configurable in the next build)
    • Added the latest version of the snesadvance.dat file (Adds more speedhacks)

    Source: qj

    Pimp My Wii v1.3

    Here is "Pimp My Wii", an homebrew that will install missing and outdated titles from your Wii console.
    A "title" can be an IOS or your Wii version. You can update your Wii securely using this homebrew and you can too update your Wii Shop to have the same advantages than the Wii 4.1 without these disadvantages.
    The homebrew is displayed automatically in english or french depending of your Wii's language.
    • New option in the menu "Downgrade IOS 15". You only choose the IOS to use to downgrade the IOS 15 that will restaure the trucha bug inside.
    • Now when you pass a simple test, there is no more initialisation of internet/sd/usb and do not propose the downgrading of IOS in certains cases.
      When no useful IOS has been found, it now use IOS 36 instead, or 28, 33, 55, 30 or the IOS used by system menu if they are not found.
    • Added a "Infos" mode where it writes informations on SD card about installed titles.
      If pimp my wii detects an outdated MIOS and if you have an non original MIOS (means a Custom MIOS), it will tell you that upgrading this will replace the cMIOS.
    • Displays navigation buttons.
    • Proposes the installation of EULA in manual installation.

    Download: Pimp My Wii v1.3
    Source: wii-info

    Twilight Hack on System Menu 4.1!

    The good ol' twilight hack is back on System Menu 4.1!

    This video present the future homebrew which able to reactivate the Twilight Hack and (with own future installer) the patching of the original save to hack save.

    This homebrew in the video will be change a lot !

    No Release for the moment...

    The important point of this video:

    - The patcher can remove the check deletion of the backup in 4.1 and allow the operation of the fault.
    - A homebrew (not developed in-house) was used to flash the original backup and replace it with the Team Twizzer Beta2.

    This will be integrated in future homebrew in the final version, and during the patching of the system menu, the backup will be patched! Also, if you ever delete the backup, simply recreate a normal backup Zelda, then run the patcher in future development.

    The patcher will dramatically change, the video shows only part of the actual "patch". Similarly, the IOS 249 is a temporary means to install the patches, another vulnerability will be used.

    Source: gueux

    Monday, October 19, 2009

    Unofficial Wii64 save file converter (UPDATED)

    Jeez, how come no one told me it didn't work? Here, I thought I was done, and I wake up to find out that I released a lemon... Uploading a new version now. Please, everyone who's downloaded it so far, download it again and try it out. And come back and let me know your results!

    Also, it is now tested on Vista x64 and XP x86, and both worked. So it should work on anything.

    Quoted from the creator:

    OK, so while I was trying to test a certain bug for the EmulateMii team, I needed a completed save file. However, I didn't want to go through the trouble of manually endian swapping the whole 97KB completed save file (for Majora's Mask), so I wrote my own save converter. After extensive debugging, it should work with any 32-bit windows installation now (64-bit is as yet untested). I don't have it set up for either linux or Mac (and mac isn't likely, since I can't test it, and some of the commands I use are platform specific), but if anyone wants to convert the code for themselves, by all means, I'll upload the source for you (it's really not all that fancy, so I don't really care).

    Just to let you guys know, as far as I know, only .fla and .sra files need to be converted (.eep might need some garbage data at the end, but I haven't tested that yet. If it does, I'll add that into my converter and make another release. .eep's do not need to be endian swapped, however). And this only takes those files, as well as certain file sizes.

    This converter is strictly drag and drop, but it can take a dropped file from anywhere to convert it, and preserves the original save while saving the converted one in the Wii64 Saves subfolder.

    Also, if your converted save doesn't work, make sure it's got a (U)/(E), etc, on the end of it (or, to make it easy, look at what Wii64 makes as the save file name and copy that).

    Let me know what you guys think (and team EmulateMii, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by releasing this).

    And I'm sure, once EmulateMii release the beta 2 with their converter, mine will become obsolete... But since we don't know when that will happen, until then, enjoy mine!

    Download: Unofficial Wii64 save file converter
    Source: tehskeen

    sysCheck v1.1 (UPDATED)

    erikspyder released an update of sysCheck to version 1.1 which fixes the problems on the previous version.

    This version fix the previous one.

    * Fix Stubs detection (stay frozen on "Testing vulnerabilities in IOS" issue);
    * Fix IOS Revision number displayed on Reload;
    * Code cleanup.

    erikspyder has released his first homebrew app for the Nintendo Wii by the name of sysCheck.

    I've developped my first Homebrew for the Wii. This application does several checks on installed IOS and cIOS:
    - Trucha Bug;
    - ES_Identify;
    - Flash Access.

    sysCheck generates a report on the root of the SD card (sd:/sysCheck.csv).
    This Wii Homebrew is a mix between signCheck (by The Lemon Man) and IOSCheck (by Svpe).
    Download: sysCheck v1.1
    Source: tehskeen

    Briickout v0.2

    Briickout by BHSPitMonkey is a very simple Breakout clone, using some simple physics to make the paddle controls a bit more interesting. There is very little special functionality as of now.

    • Sexy new graphics
    • Visual ball spin effect
    • Pause functionality
    • Ball waits for user input before appearing
    • Code cleanup

    Download: Briickout v0.2
    Source: wiibrew

    FSToolbox v0.4

    FS Toolbox by nickasa is a NAND browser that can dump files from the nand to sd card and write files from sd card to the nand, with this you can edit files on the nand to test stuff out and to have backups of your files if something ever goes wrong.

    You can set the pointer onto a TMD file in the selected title id and then press 2, you will be able to select the IOS version the channel uses and fakesign it after that.

    NEW FUNCTION : Dump the full nand fs to your SD! Just press 1 and it will start

    0.4 - October 18, 2009
    GC controller support
    Access rights warnings
    Display the file ids and permissons
    Various small changes and fixes

    Only use FS Toolbox to browse the nand and to extract files. Even when only doing this, there's still a risk to corrupt files. Using this program to add/change files is not recommend at the moment, because it does not set the file attributes correctly. When dumping one file and directly rewriting it, the content may be the same, but the attributes are different(owner and group id). Using FS Toolbox without proper brick protection(BootMii as boot2 + nand backup) is suicide.
    The creators of this application take no responsibility for the damage that you may cause to your console when using this.

    Download: FSToolbox v0.4
    Source: wiibrew

    PSPKVM v0.5.4 Test 10 - JavaGames Emulator for PSP

    There are currently a few ´unofficial´ or test builds up, for testing various features.
    (Note: these are generally in .tgz format--or gzipped tarballs. Notes on handling these, if you´re new to them, are here.)

    Warning: known critical bug in test packages--upgrade to build 10
    There is a known bug in some of the test packages which can cause corruption of your folder store in the AMS. To avoid this bug do not remove marked midlets. After doing this and doing a subsequent ´move´ operation, you will not be able to start your VM.

    The bug affects all test packages prior to test build 10 which have the AMS with the folder system and the ´mark´ commands in the menus. Build 10 has the fix for the bug and recovery code allowing you to start again if the store is already corrupted. We strongly suggest you upgrade to this package.

    If you have not yet upgraded, and you inadvertently do mark a midlet and then remove it, and haven´t yet performed a move operation, you may still evade this problem by either (a) using the ´Unmark all´ command or (b) just shutting down the AMS. Do not attempt to perform a move before doing so.
    0.5.4 Test 10 (Uploaded Oct. 15, 2009)

    Changes in this build -- summary
    * Bugfix: ´zombie midlet´ bug in which marked, removed midlets would reappear on a subsequent move has been fixed. Loading code has also been modified to allow loading of the folder system in the AMS even after a crash due to this bug. If you got locked out of your VM because of this, using this build will let you back in.
    * Bugfix: missing utility/symbols file no longer brings down the VM when opening virtual keyboards using it.
    * Bugfix: unused menu items removed from Danzeff board.

    Build 10 is otherwise identical to build 9.
    0.5.4 Test 9 (Uploaded Oct. 15, 2009)
    Changes in this build -- summary
    X/O key use can be switched to ´Western´ standard system-wide, virtual keyboard fixes/optimizations.
    Changes in this build -- enhancements
    * The X/O keys are now fully switchable system-wide, for Western-style accept/cancel use. Use the VM Configuration midlet / Keymap settings menu to set these keys. The settings take effect immediately after you exit the configuration midlet.

    Note that for midlets whose keymaps or device settings you´ve customized, you´ll have to set the accept key yourself in the Device Settings screen if you wish them to change too (and if you haven´t changed them already). Set ´Select´ to ´Cross´ and ´Num0´ to ´Circle´ to emulate the default Western layout, in this case. Midlets whose device settings you have not customized will use the default ones, and so will pick up the change without additional tweaking.

    Note also that the old com.pspkvm.acceptcross setting for native dialogs is gone. The setting in the VM config midlet will affect these dialogs, the AMS, and the default keymap setting. Set it to ´Western´ to use X=accept, to ´Eastern´ to use O=accept.

    * Keystroke handling in the Danzeff board has been tightened for faster response.
    * The ´smart display´ feature in the semichordal and Danzeff boards, wherein the board displays move to stay out of your way when you´re typing, has been optimized and streamlined.
    * Smart display in the semichordal board now places the small layout correctly.
    * The semichordal board´s large display has been greatly reduced in size, and its appearance brought more into line with the Danzeff display. Status display for the live keymap has also been added (Cyrillic/Greek/Roman).
    * The Danzeff board now has a status bar which displays selection state.
    * The diacritics (accents) deadkey glyphs for the semichordal display have been modified to make them easier to read.

    Changes in this build -- bugfixes
    * smart display-capable boards now move properly on all key entries.
    * the Danzeff board now displays correctly when the system is using the internal font.
    * thread shutdown for the Danzeff board´s analog stick monitor has been fixed; threads previously remained around when the board was absent. They now start when the board appears, and exit when the board disappears.
    * prevented all virtual boards from crashing constrained fields (numerical, URL, etc.) due to pasting in of text containing constrained characters. Internal interfaces now sift input correctly.
    * renamed utility.ttf to utility.sym so people stop assuming they can just delete it.

    Notes on upgrading from these packages:
    If you´re upgrading from a recent test build, and wish to preserve your settings (set in the .ini and the in-GUI config system), do not overwrite the pspkvm.ini and vmsettings.cfg files in your pspkvm directory with those from the package. Your system should run fine, and this will preserve your previous settings.

    Note re pspkvm.prx file
    Previous test releases inadvertently included a ´pspkvm.prx´ file in the package. If you´ve copied this to your console, it can be removed from the install directory with no ill effects.

    For more information go here.

    PSPKVM v0.5.4 Test 10 CFW build, full package (12 MB--build for consoles running custom firmware)
    PSPKVM v0.5.4 Test 10 FW 1.5 build, full package (12 MB--build for consoles running OFW 1.5)
    Source: aep

    Wii Home v1.3.1

    Wii Home is a homebrew which launches at startup of the Wii. You can, on the menu, select if you want go to the System Menu or to the HBC. You can also customize Wii Home with a theme of your choice. Wii Home is a "plugin" for Preloader.

    • Compiled with DevKitPPC r18 and libOGC 1.8.0
    • Now compatible with Homebrew Channel 1.0.5 or superior
    • Changed default font
    • Added UTF-8 characters support with the new font
    • Better English translation
    • Better French translation
    • Better Spanish translation
    • Using Dollz 3.0 to have a little size (943 ko -> 559 ko : 384 ko earned)

    For tutorial go here.

    Download: Wii Home v1.3.1
    Source: wiibrew

    PSP Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-C Released (Updated)

    CFW 5.50GEN -C - Image 1

    (UPDATED) Due to the issues raised with the CFW I decided to take off the download link. Please wait for the next issue from Yoshihiro and the rest of Team GENyUS.

    The much awaited news last week is here... Yoshihiro's CFW 5.50 GEN-C. Please read all of the information as well as the comments from the source before you hit that download link, install on your PSP and feel sorry because you disregarded this.

    Quoted from greg of psp-hacks:

    My PSP just finished flashing Yoshihiro’s 5.50 GEN-C… Sadly PlayStation Store access remains blocked. Otherwise, it is what it is… Play 5.55+ required games without the tedious prerequisites — decrypting, patching, rebuilding… You know.

    Only install 5.50 GEN-C on PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 models. Do not install on a PSP-3000 or any PSP with a TA-88V3 board.
    Note: If the XMB freezes after installing this update, boot (holding R-Trigger) into the recovery console and browse to Advanced -> Format flash1 and reset settings.
    Another note: Personally, I don’t recommend updating just yet… Refer to the comments to see what I mean. Although, you can be a sport and install it, report bugs you encounter, and Pandora back afterward. Expect a patch or two soon as well as an option to speed up memory stick access.

    Things you have to take note before installing:

    1. This CFW is for PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 v1 and v2 ONLY
    2. The 5.03HEN-A will be updated shortly with the same opportunities

    • Ability to run 5.51 + games without having to patch (UMD or ISO) 
    • Possibility of launching the plays protected like FMA or Drunk Calibur for example (UMD or ISO) Ability to run protected ranges like Drunk Calibur gold FMA example (UMD gold ISO) 
    • Possibility of launching demonstrations PSN requiring the 5.51+ without having with the patcher as MGS To launching PSN demonstrations requiring 5.51 + without having to patch them ace AMS
    • Connection to the PSN via MEDIAGO without having to install d' complicated utility (option in beta still) Connection via PSN MEDIAGO without having to install complicated utility (option in beta yet)
    • Possibility; to use the XGEN Updater to install the official Firmware 6.10 (has n' to use that if you have a XGEN Pandora under the hand to be able to return then in Custom firmware. Possibility to uses the XGEN Updater to install the official firmware 6.10 (For uses only yew you cuts has Pandora XGEN handy to Be whitebait to return later in Custom firmware.

    Known bugs:

    • IRShell can no longer launch ISO patch but the patch will be released in a few minutes 
    • The reading of the vidéos 480x272 poses concern but a corrective measure is with l' study. Video playback 480x272 raises concerns goal has fix is being studied. 
    • L' option which allows to accelerate the reading of the ms is in the course of bearing towards the 5.50GEN. The option to accelerate the reading off ms is being ported to 5.50GEN.

    Download: Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-C (eliminated due to many problems occured)

    Source: psp-hacks

    Sunday, October 18, 2009

    GeeXboX v0.1alpha8

    GeeXboX is a media center program built on Wii Linux. It uses MPlayer with a graphical front end. It can play videos and music (with visualization) and display photo slideshows.
    Specially added features in the Wii port are: bluetooth (remote control, obex file push, networking and audio partially working), USB storage, USB Ethernet, http/telnet/ftp server, netstreaming, image viewer, goom visuals for audio playback, .... Most of added features are fully or partially tested, some are not, yet.

    • 20091016: 0.1alpha8. Feature improvement release.
    • Update linux to;
    • Update MPlayer and ffmpeg to 20091003 snapshots;
    • Add fuseiso to handle more disc image formats;
    • Fix OSD and aspect ratio in fbi image viewer;
    • Add compatibility with new HBC title ID.

    Source: wiibrew

    Helii v0.2

    BHSPitMonkey has released Helii 0.2 a game in which you steer a helicopter through a tunnel. As the game progresses, the tunnel varies in size/shape, and obstacles are introduced.

    Helii is written in C++ and uses libwiisprite for graphics. The source code was designed with clarity in mind.
    The code will soon be available on GitHub under the New BSD License, which means you are pretty free to do what you want with the code. Please give me a shout if you do something cool with it! I will be happy to merge positive changes and give you attribution for them.

    • First public release
    • Added obstacles
    • Cave shape is now unique to each play
    • Added flaming death animation
    • Added outro sequence
    • Improved smoke trail

    Download: Helii v0.2
    Source: wiibrew

    DolBoot v1.0.2

    phpgeek has released a tool which binds any homebrew application with the appropriate boot loader.
    I developed this tool to aid me in compiling the source for preloader. What it basically does is binds any homebrew application with the appropriate boot loader, calculates the correct offsets and modifies the dol header accordingly. The modified dol will then be able to legally boot in place of the systems menu. It can easily be linked with devkitPro to create a seamless compilation process, for any developer who wishes to develop an application that replaces the systems menu.

    This is a dangerous tool if you do not know what you are doing, so if you do not have BootMii installed to boot2 or have no idea what the information above means then I strongly suggest that you don't download this tool!

    | DolBoot v1.0.2 by phpgeek |

    * What is DolBoot? *

    DolBoot is a simple application that will take a compiled dol file
    containing a homebrew application for the nintendo wii and bind it
    with a boot loader. The file can then be launched in place of the
    official systems menu by replacing the appropriate .app nand file

    * Do I need to compile my dol differently? *

    Yes! You need to compile your dol with an entry point of 81000000.

    Makefile example:

    LDFLAGS = -g $(MACHDEP) -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $@).map -Wl,--section-start,.init=0x81000000

    * Can I link DolBoot with my compiling process? *

    Sure you can!

    Makefile examples:

    @[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@
    @make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile
    dolboot $(OUTPUT).dol



    dolboot $(TARGET).dol


    * Usage *

    dolboot.exe input.dol
    I developed this tool to aid me in compiling the source for preloader. What it basically does is binds any homebrew application with the appropriate boot loader, calculates the correct offsets and modifies the dol header accordingly. The modified dol will then be able to legally boot in place of the systems menu. It can easily be linked with devkitPro to create a seamless compilation process, for any developer who wishes to develop an application that replaces the systems menu.

    This is a dangerous tool if you do not know what you are doing, so if you do not have BootMii installed to boot2 or have no idea what the information above means then I strongly suggest that you don't download this tool!

    Download: DolBoot v1.0.2
    Source: gbatemp