Here comes an updated early RPG Demo by Xteaph-N. It's basically what it claims to be. A demonstration of a posslibel RPG game.
Magical worlds, action, fighting ... this is what we find in this game, RPG DEMO, which is presented to the Scenery Beta 2009. Some graphics and control system retro, reminiscent of RPGs for the Nintendo ... Although this is a demo version in development, is perfectly playable, and allow us to taste what we can offer in the future this Homebrew.
Author: Xteaph-N
As is well known by all, RPGs are perhaps the most tedious Homebrew schedule, not only because of technical complications, if not by our imagination and time it takes to create a story and atmosphere with personal sites and, not forgetting the dialogues. DEMO RPG development is well under way, hopefully the author do not quit.
* Retro graphics.
* Controls similar to the RPGs of old nintendo.
* Fights in shifts.
* Ability to run both physical and magical attacks.
* Ability to interact with different NPC `s.
As I mentioned before, the controls are similar to those of the old RPGs from Nintendo:
* Digital Pad: we move around the stage.
* X: Cancel
* Circle: Accept or talk to an NPC (provided we are close to him or about him)
* Triangle: Open the inventory menu.
Download: RPG Demo v7
Source: tehskeen
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