0.5.4 Test 7 (Uploaded Oct. 10, 2009)
* a Danzeff-style virtual keyboard
* a fix merged from the trunk (fixed there post-branch) causing the QWERTY board to open in lower-case mode by default.
In addition to these user-level features, there are also internal interfaces added (in the com.pspkvm package) to support direct reading of analog stick state (necessary to implement the Danzeff board) by VM and MIDlet code.
Note that the Danzeff-style board is slightly expanded from the standard layout to support PSPKVM features--it adds a ´return´ key for multiline text fields, along with ´select´, ´copy´, and ´paste´ keys supporting the PSPKVM´s cross-Midlet clipboard. The additional keys can be found in the ´number pad´ of the virtual board.
To use the Danzeff-style board, select it in the VM configuration midlet´s virtual keyboards setup screen.
Download: PSPKVM 0.5.4 Test 7
Source: sourceforge
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