Wednesday, October 14, 2009

PSPKVM v0.5.4 (Test 8) 
The PSPKVM Team have released a new version of their Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) CLDC/MIDP Emulator for the Sony PSP. Using this emulator you can enjoy many, many games on your Sony PSP. Mind you most of these games are totally free!

* MIDP 2.0
* Nokia UI APIs (partial)
* WMA1.1(JSR120) stub
* Networking (By PSP's WIFI)
* Java AMS with MVM supporting
* Several input methods: QWERTY/Abc/Symbol/...
* Directly browse and run from local jad/jar file, and auto-install without interrupting
* Jpeg support
* MIDI & Wave audio playback support
* Device emulation. You can choose device type to emulate for different screen sizes and key codes, either at installation time or from "Selectdevice" menu
* Change default key assignment for specific application.
* JSR75(File Connection)
* Virtual Keyboard Input + Chinese Input Method
* Sony OSK Input (OE version only)
* JSR179 (GPS) (OE version only)
* Freetype2 font rendering
* JSR226 (SVG)
* JSR172 (Web Service)

What's New?

The Danzeff and semichordal boards now implement 'smart display' in which they move out of the way of input in large text fields as you type.

Icons have been added to the configuration and network setup screens in an attempt to make this a little easier to use for non-English users, until we can get some translation going for these screens.

Network setup has been overhauled, in an attempt to address occasional issues with lost connections that cannot be reestablished without a VM restart. In case of a lost connection, you should now be able to reconnect from the Wifi manager midlet, without restarting the VM. Please report whether this works for you in the shoutbox at

The Danzeff display has been made slightly more compact as compared with the previous build.

The readme has been updated and is now included with the binary packages.

PSPKVM v0.5.4 (Test 8) for 1.50
PSPKVM v0.5.4 (Test 8) for CFW
Source: tehskeen


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